Your donation helps feed our community’s most vulnerable people.

We feed some of the most vulnerable people in our communities, and they need our support now more than ever. In fact, according to the USDA, more than 38 million people, including 12 million children experience food insecurity in the United States.

We urgently need your help connecting healthy food to the food banks, community groups, and schools we support. Your donation helps eliminate food insecurity in our local communities.

Check out our Amazon Wishlist!

If you’d prefer to donate items directly, this is a great way to get food into the hands of your neighbors most in need. Amazon will ship these items directly to Good Neighbors for distribution throughout our community. Thank you!


See Our Work in Action

ABC Action News: Heather Brooke collects quality surplus food from restaurants and grocery stores and then distributes it to people who need it.

Click the play button to watch the video.

Our Impact



local business partnerships



monthly food pick ups



engaged volunteers

Surplus Food Partnerships

 Our Community Supporters

Good Neighbors is so grateful to our supporters for giving their time, talent and treasures to help others in the community.


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Your support feeds and strengthens
our local communities.

“One of the most important things we can do right now is to ensure our neighbors are fed. Good Neighbors helps connect thousands of pounds of food with individuals in need to help eliminate food insecurity. I’m proud to be a Good Neighbor with a monthly donation.”

- Community Member